Author: admin

  • What do arts and crafts have to do with mutual aid?

    What do arts and crafts have to do with mutual aid?

    Creating Community through Crafting: Welcome to Mutual Morris’s Crafting Guild Arts and crafts are fun, relaxing, stimulating of creativity, good for our health, and rewarding in many ways for individuals. Like most things, doing them collectively multiplies the benefits as people come together to learn new skills from one another, but also socialize, bond, and…

  • Community Self-Defense – February 2023

    Community Self-Defense – February 2023

    Nobody was prepared for the Covid pandemic, including us. Though there was also an outbreak of greed, paranoia, racism, denialism, and wilful ignorance, we kept hope because we saw firsthand the natural human tendency to care and want to help shine through everywhere we looked. The love and support of hundreds of regular people like…

  • Housing Council – February 2023

    Housing Council – February 2023

    With mutual aid, we can change how we look at our shared struggles and how we build solutions, led by the people most impacted, from the ground up. We have the solutions to our problems. We know what we need; we need safe and affordable housing. Thousands of families across Morris County are struggling to…

  • A Letter For A Friend

    A letter of appreciation to my best comrade Alex, to raise funds to cover her medical bills. “Somos mejores porque existe el amor” – Victor Jara Chilean teacher, artist, singer-songwriter and Communist political activist assassinated by US-supported Pinochet dictatorship. Alex: In this hellscape that is sometimes the world we live in, I’m honored to be…

  • Pride is mutual aid.

    Pride community wanted, and needed, now as much as ever! In June of 1969, the Stonewall uprising was a response to the police raids and other state violence that have kept minoritized groups of people down throughout modern history. It was a series of events calling for liberation and autonomy not just for gay, bisexual,…

  • Why a radical Pride still matters

    As Mutual Morris’s members and friends plan a variety of activities and events for Pride month this June, focusing on education, community-building, and resistance to the status quo, we ask “Why does an alternative to mainstream Pride events matter to you?”. Here are some of our answers. We’d love to hear yours! Alex: “The suits…

  • Test

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